Vancouver Art Gallery Lists Protocols for Reopening

June 15th will mark when the Vancouver Art Gallery reopens for public gatherings. Visitors familiar with this institution will notice changes in their operations, which have been prompted with the COVID-19 pandemic. These health & safety measures were released on June 5th, indicating that those wanting to visit will have to abide by provincial health guidelines. Refusal will prompt that individual immediately being removed from the premise, with local health authorities being informed of this civilian’s incompliance. Multiple reports could prompt that individual entering “Incompliance Status”, resulting in fines being issued

The Vancouver Art Gallery maintains four galleries, all on separate floors. This is allowing VAG to support a guest capacity of 225 under provincial health guidelines. Floor markets will be implemented, with signage also listed. Visitors will be informed upon entering the institution to abide by the markers & signs, enabling certain social distancing.

Managing the 225-capacity limitation is being maintained through online bookings. Visiting the Vancouver Art Gallery without a “Timed Entry VAG Ticket” will see those individuals turned away. Booking these tickets is possible for one-hour intervals, with each consumer allowed to visit once per day. The online system supporting VAG Tickets is going live on June 9th for Private Members of this institution, with the general public allowed to purchase Timed Entry Tickets by June 11th.

Measures are being enforced once civilians enter the Vancouver Art Gallery. All ticketholders must commit to a two-metre distancing protocol, with this institution demanding that masks be worn. Those visiting this facility without protective face equipment will be forced to purchase a cover from the gallery. Refusal to buy a mask will prompt that individual being removed from the premise. There’ll be additional measures enlisted before June 15th, with those being available through the Digital Gallery Visitor Guide by the 11th.

It should be mentioned that Plexiglass Barriers have been installed, protecting the Vancouver Art Gallery workforce from possible contracts of COVID-19. All visitors will also be told to hand regularly sanitize, ensuring that a stringent cleaning process is enacted. Those feeling unwell are recommended not to attend this facility & return their ticket.