Bristol Artist Mounts Undesignated BLM Statue

Marc Quinn from Bristol in the North of England made headlines on July 15th. This African descendant took his formidable artistic skillsets & mounted a Black lives Matter statue without the permission of local authorities. It was installed by Marc Quinn throughout the dead of night, taking photographs with his sculpture earlier into the morning hours. Following the lack of legal permission to position this sculpture in Bristol’s downtown sector, law enforcement removed the statue & relocated it to the local museum.

The morning of July 15th was a brisk Wednesday in Bristol, which didn’t deter Marc Quinn from erecting his sculpture of Jenn Reid. This woman is known for being an iconic activist in the Black Lives Matter campaign; her statue stood in-place of Edward Colston. This man was a slave trader from Colonial Britain & African descendants in Bristol couldn’t help emphasizing that horrific history shouldn’t be celebrated.

Marc Quinn didn’t inform the Bristol Council that he’d be erecting a statue on the plinth that held Edward Colston. Council members didn’t want to remove the statue but had to stand without the purviews of British law. However, Bristol Council tweeted that Marc Quinn could pick-up the sculpture from their museum, or they’d happily accept it to their collection.

An Auction

Marc Quinn requested that Bristol Museum hold a digital auction for his sculpture of Jenn Reid, indicating that funds garnered would be donated to two charities that support African history in Great Britain’s School Curriculum. If auctioned funds cannot be earned, Quinn remarked that he’d happily give it to the Bristol Museum. This shows that Marc was using the sculpture more to emphasize the importance of BLM Activists, not anger or disturb the Bristol Council. It appears the two parties are now working together to earn charitable donations through his Jenn Reid’s Sculpture.

Both Parties Address Bristol

An official statement from the Council was released to their minor population. They remarked their sympathies with having to remove the sculpture and emphasized that all civilians in Bristol should maintain a position on what happens with the plinth which held Edward Colston. Marc Quinn would also release a formal statement to the people of Bristol, indicating that he hadn’t received permission & is happy to know that his actions didn’t garner anger from the Council.